Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Venus of Hohle Fels,Patung WanitaTertua di Jerman

BERLIN - Sebuah ukiran
gading berbentuk
perempuan gendut yang
ditemukan di Gua Hohle
Fels, Jerman ini punya
keunikan. Selain sosoknya
yang mengundang
perhatian, patung
tersebut umurnya sudah
sangat tua.
"Ini merupakan ukiran
berbentuk sosok manusia
yang paling tua di dunia,"
ujar Jill Cook, seorang
kurator paleolitikum dan
mesolitikum di British
Museum, London.
Berdasarkan pengukuran
karbon, usianya
diperkirakan 35.000 tahun.
Patung-patung baru di
Israel dan Afrika
sebenarnya ada dua kali
lebih tua daripada patung
ukiran ini. Namun, bukan
hasil pahatan melainkan
kumpulan batu yang
membentuk sosok
Saat ditemukan, ukiran
gading tersebut telah
pecah dalam enam
bagian. Hasil rekonstruksi
menunjukkan sosok tubuh
perempuan tanpa kepala,
dengan perut berlemak,
payudara menonjol, dan
paha besar. Bagian
lengannya kirinya hilang.
"Ini sangat berkaitan
dengan hal berbau
seksual," ujar Nicholas
Conard, arkeolog dari
Universitas Tuebingen.
Menurutnya adanya
ukiran berbentuk tubuh
manusia ini menunjukkan
bahwa manusia sejak
lama sudah punya
menyimbolkan tubuhnya
dalam bentuk benda.
Patung ukiran gading ini
hanya setinggi 6
centimeter. Conard
menduga ukiran tersebut
digantung di ujung tali.
Namun, fungsinya buat
apa tak diketahui pasti
meski diperkirakan
pembuatnya terobsesi
dengan seks.
Secara umum, ukiran ini
mirip patung-patung
disebut para arkeolog
sebagai figur Venus yang
khas tanpa kepala dan
kaki. Sekitar 150 figur
Venus ditemukan antara
Pegunungan Pyrenees
hingga Russia bagian
selatan dan berumur
antara 25.000-29.000 tahun.
Ivory carving may be
oldest sculpture of human
A 35,000-year-old ivory
carving of a busty woman
found in a German cave
may be the oldest known
sculpture of the human
form, according to
archeologists who
unveiled it Wednesday.
The carving, found in six
fragments in Germany's
Hohle Fels cave, depicts a
woman with a swollen
belly, wide-set thighs and
large, protruding breasts.
"It's very sexually
charged," said University
of Tuebingen archeologist
Nicholas Conard, whose
team discovered the
figure in September.
Carbon dating suggests it
was carved at least 35,000
years ago, according to
the researchers' findings,
which are being published
Thursday in the scientific
journal Nature.
"It's the oldest known
piece of figurative
sculpture in the world,"
said Jill Cook, a curator of
paleolithic and mesolithic
material at the British
Museum in London.
Stones in Israel and Africa
almost twice as old are
believed to have been
collected by ancient
humans because they
resembled people, but
they were not carved
An early Venus?
The Hohle Fels cave
discovery suggests the
humans, who are believed
to have come to Europe
around 40,000 years ago,
had the intelligence to
create symbols and think
abstractly in a way that
matches the modern
human, Conard said.
"It's 100 per cent certain
that by the time we get to
40,000 years ago in
Swabia, we're dealing with
people just like you and
me," Conard told The
Associated Press, referring
to the southern German
region where the
sculpture was recovered
along with other
prehistoric artifacts.
Conard believes the 2.4-
inch (six-centimetre)
figure may have been
hung on the end of a
string. The left arm is
missing, but Conard said
he hopes to find it by
sifting through material
from the cave.
The Hohle Fels sculpture
is curvaceous and has
neither feet nor a head,
like some of the roughly
150 so-called Venus
figurines found in a range
from the Pyrenees
mountains to southern
Russia and dating back
about 25,000-29,000 years.
But Cook warned against
trying to draw any
connections between the
Venuses and the Hohle
Fels figure, saying that
would be like comparing
Picasso to a classical
sculptor - too much time
had passed.
"I wonder whether at this
point we're looking at
figures which are unique
within themselves and
unique within the cultures
that they're arising in,"
she said.
Humans, not
Neanderthals, made
Archeologist Paul Mellars,
of the University of
Cambridge, suggested a
clearer continuum.
"We now have evidence
of that sort of artistic
tradition of Venus
figurines going back 6,000
years earlier than anybody
ever guessed," he said.
Neanderthals also lived in
Europe around the time
the sculpture was carved,
and frequented the Hohle
Fels cave. But Mellars said
layered deposits left by
both species over
thousands of years prove
the sculpture was crafted
by humans.
"Nothing within a million
miles of this has ever
been found in a
Neanderthal layer,"
Mellars said.
The archeologists agreed
the sculpture's age and
features invite speculation
about its purpose and the
preoccupations of the
culture that produced it.
Cook suggested it could
be symbol of fertility,
perhaps even portrayed in
the act of giving birth.
Mellars suggested a more
basic motivation for the
carving: "These people
were obsessed with sex."
Conard said the differing
opinions reinforced the
connection between the
ancient artist and modern
"How we interpret it tells
us just as much about
ourselves as about people
40,000 years ago," he said.

sumber :http://

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